What Causes Extreme Sound Sensitivity

extreme-sound-sensitivity-misophonia-01Are you suffering from extreme sound sensitivity? You can go through intolerable pain if your ears are sensitive to sounds. You might be surprised to discover that people believed sound sensitivity to be a myth back in the day. However, with the progress of science and technology in the medical field, professionals have finally discovered that sound sensitivity is a thing. If you happen to know someone who suffers from sound sensitivity or you are a victim to this problem, don’t worry, there is a common cause that we’ll discuss in this article that might help you overcome this trouble.


Some particular sounds that can trigger psychological or emotional responses from people. People often deem these reactions to be unreasonable as they aren’t aware of the triggering element behind these seemingly irrational behaviors. Panic, annoyance, and anger are some common reactions of people facing sound sensitivity, also known as Misophonia. People suffering from this problem often find oral sounds like chewing, breathing, or eating to be extremely triggering. The sound of fingers tapping, windshield wiping and keyboard typing are some other sounds that cause sound sensitivity in people facing misophonia.

The Science Behind Misophonia

extreme-sound-sensitivity-misophonia-treatment-02After conducting several tests on a human brain, doctors concluded that there is a part of our brain known as the anterior insular cortex (AIC) causes high activity in brain parts of people with misophonia when they hear triggering sounds. The brains parts that are responsible for emotions, fears and long-term memories became active as soon as hearing the sounds. People suffering from this problem are prone to having strong reactions of an emotional nature, which goes on to prove that there are certain parts of the brain that causes these traumatic experiences.

Essentially, you can categorize misophonia as a neurological disorder that is caused due to auditory or visual stimuli. The range of severity is not similar in everyone. Some people have mild sensitivity, while others have extreme sensitivity.

Following are some feelings that mild reactions can bring about in misophonia patients:

  1. Disgust
  2. Wanting to run away
  3. Uncomfortable
  4. Anxiety

Severe responses bring about the following reactions:

  1. Emotional distress
  2. Fear
  3. Panic
  4. Hatred
  5. Anger
  6. Rage

Sadly, misophonia can severely cramp social lives. Anticipatory anxiety is the main reason why people facing this sound sensitivity problem find difficulty in social situations.

People commonly develop sound sensitivity during their teen years. It is a rare disorder that can happen to anyone. If you happen to be a misophonic or know someone else who is one, do not worry, there are a few therapies and behavioral changes that you can practice to make sure that you do not struggle with your day to day life.

People before the 90’s were not fortunate enough to receive treatment for this problem.  However, we are lucky enough to live in an age of progression and scientific development as there are numerous clinics present in America that work specifically towards improving the lives of misophoniacs.

It’s your lucky day if you are looking for a reputable clinic to treat your misophonia as misophonia cognitive center is here to help you with your problem, allowing you to live life happily without any fear of triggering sounds. Contact us to book an appointment as soon as possible.

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