Physical Symptoms Associated with Misophonia

Physical Symptoms Associated with Misophonia

Paying attention to how your body responds to certain irritants and things you perceive as triggering is important if you want to figure out whether you’re really dealing with misophonia or a different condition. The list of symptoms typically associated with misophonia includes not only a sense of irritation – which is the most commonly reported issue – but also an array of additional, more physical symptoms. These can vary from person to person but knowing what the typical list looks like can make it easier to identify the condition in your own body.

Sensations of Pressure

You might feel like your body is getting squeezed in certain points when you get your misophonia triggered. The chest is the most commonly reported area, although you might also feel like some of your limbs are getting clamped down on. The pressure may or may not increase with each triggering incident, although those who do experience this particular symptom usually report that it’s present during most attacks.


symptoms-of-misophonia-02Your muscles might also feel tight all over the body all of a sudden, especially in the limbs. This is usually accompanied by the aforementioned sensation of pressure, but the two might come separately during different incidents of misophonia attacks. The feeling of tightness can be particularly troubling to some sufferers of the condition, as it can interfere with their daily lives and can make it difficult to go about their tasks while the attack is ongoing. Learning to manage these sensations is a good step towards treating misophonia and identifying the triggers for the condition can make that significantly easier, as you’ll know when to expect an attack coming on.

Check Your Blood Pressure

Blood pressure, and issues with the cardiovascular system as a whole, is something else to pay attention to when trying to diagnose misophonia. Many people report an increase in their blood pressure during an attack, and it may be accompanied by a rapidly beating heart and a general sensation of discomfort and unease.

These are just some of the most commonly reported physical symptoms associated with misophonia. The condition can manifest itself in many different forms among people with varying backgrounds, and it’s important to get professional help if you’re not sure what you’re dealing with exactly.

Give us a call today and the most knowledgeable misophonia specialists in NYC will guide you through the process and assist you in determining exactly what’s troubling you.

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