Can The Use of Background Noise Help with Misophonia?

Can The Use of Background Noise Help with MisophoniaMisophonia can be life changing. If you have or struggle with this condition, you know that certain sounds can trigger bad reactions in your mind. You hate them. They make you anxious, angry, or even just overwhelmed. No matter how severe your condition is, one thing is for certain. Treatment for Misophonia is often available. When you meet with your LCSW-R in New York City, you’ll learn more about the treatment that is best for you. Many people benefit from the use of sound therapy, or the use of background noise.

How Can More Noise Help You?

Can The Use of Background Noise Help with MisophoniaIt may not seem like a simple outcome – how can adding more noise to your experience help improve the condition you have? Some people find significant benefit from sound therapy. In this type of therapy, different sounds are used to counteract the noise that bothers you. This noise will be called the trigger sound. No matter what it is, the goal is to retrain your brain to not be bothered by it any longer. To do that, it is important to mask that sound with the use of other sounds or background noise. This is all done in a facility or doctor’s office – you will find success there, not just doing this at home.

What Is it Like?

Can The Use of Background Noise Help with MisophoniaWhen background noise becomes the treatment option for Misophonia, the goal is very simple. Your doctor will position a device that looks much like a hearing aid behind your ear. There is a funnel or tube that runs into the inner ear. This sends background noise into the ear. The sound may be similar to a sound that’s soothing such as a waterfall. The noise you now hear is soothing and relaxing. It helps to distract your brand from the trigger sound. As a result, you have fewer reactions to that trigger sound when you hear it.


Over time, this treatment along with other types of therapy including talk therapy can lead to significant improvement in your reaction to the trigger sound.

Background noise and other forms of sound therapy may help with Misophonia. If you suffer from this condition, it is important to meet with your LCSW-R in New York City to learn more about the comprehensive treatment options that are right for your specific needs. Call our office to discuss the options available to you.

Call today for a free 15min phone consultation 646-585-2251

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