steven-gellar-katz-lcsw-rStephen Geller Katz LCSW-R

Misophonia Cognitive Retraining Therapy


Misophonia Cognitive Retraining Therapy, as featured on the MTV True Life episode: “I Have Misophonia” premiering Friday, December 16th, 7:00 PM EST. See Clip >

Are you Suffering from any of these symptoms as a result of Misophonia? Call today for a Consultation.

  • Mild to severe anxiety
  • Rage or Anger
  • Triggered fight or flight
  • Depression
  • Negative thinking
  • Crying spells
  • Hopelessness
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Avoidance of people or places
Moderate to severe anxiety triggered by chewing sounds, including:
  • Nail clipping 
  • Brushing teeth
  • Eating sounds
  • Lip smacking
  • Breathing
  • Certain voices
  • Sniffing
  • Talking
  • Sneezing
  • Yawning
  • Walking
  • Coughing
  • Chewing gum
  • Laughing
  • Snoring
  • Typing on a keyboard
  • Whistling
  • Certain consonants

You may also be affected by visual stimuli, such as repetitive foot or body movements, fidgeting or movement you observe out of the corners of their eyes. 
Intense anxiety, rage and avoidant behavior may develop as a result of misophonia.

woman-misophonia* Do you feel your family and friends don’t understand how much you suffer?

* Do you often feel you can just suffer through a social event where there is eating present only to find that you must “escape” before you have a panic attack?

* Do you find that some people are at first understanding and make some efforts not to make the triggering sounds in front of you, but soon forget and constantly have to be reminded, causing you to feel angry, anxious and depressed?

* Are you avoiding social activities that you enjoy because of the misophonia?

* Are you fearful of losing your job and/or is the misophonia effecting your job performance?

If you answered yes to 3 or more of these questions or symptoms, then we can help.

You may be a candidate for Misophonia Cognitive Retraining Therapy, or MCRT.

Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R, with over 20 years of clinical experience, a New York University graduate, developed Misophonia Cognitive Retraining Therapy and founded Misophonia Cognitive Center™ in response to the growing number of people with Misophonia coming to his private practice from audiologists and ENTs. He discovered that by helping people to retrain and reinterpret the thoughts around their Misophonia, anxiety and depression symptoms began to improve. But even more important so did the Misophonic trigger response.

Call us at 646-585-2251 for a consultation.

Category Archives: Coping Strategies

Coping Strategies for Children with Misophonia

Implementing effective coping strategies can help children manage misophonia symptoms and improve their quality of life. Misophonia, characterized by intense emotional reactions to specific sounds, can be particularly challenging for children. These reactions can interfere with daily activities, school performance, and social interactions.

Coping Strategies for Children with Misophonia

Understanding Misophonia in Children

Misophonia in children manifests through strong negative reactions to specific sounds such as chewing, breathing, or repetitive noises like pen clicking. These reactions can range from mild irritation to severe anger or distress, significantly affecting the child’s behavior and emotional well-being.

Effective Coping Strategies for Children with Misophonia

Creating a Supportive Environment

A supportive environment is crucial for helping children with misophonia manage their symptoms. Parents, teachers, and peers should be educated about misophonia to foster understanding and patience.

  • Educate the Community: Inform teachers and classmates about misophonia to reduce misunderstandings and promote empathy.
  • Safe Spaces: Establish quiet, trigger-free zones at home and school where the child can retreat if they become overwhelmed.
  • Consistent Routines: Maintain consistent daily routines to provide a sense of stability and predictability.

Behavioral Strategies

Behavioral strategies can help children develop resilience and reduce the impact of trigger sounds.

  • Desensitization: Gradually expose the child to trigger sounds in a controlled and safe environment to reduce sensitivity over time. This process should be guided by a professional therapist.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Encourage positive behaviors and coping mechanisms by rewarding the child for successfully managing their reactions to triggers.
  • Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques: Teach the child mindfulness exercises, such as deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation, to help them stay calm when exposed to trigger sounds.

Use of Technology and Tools

Several technological aids and tools can help children manage misophonia symptoms effectively.

  • Noise-Canceling Headphones: Using noise-canceling headphones or earplugs can help block out trigger sounds and create a more comfortable auditory environment for the child.
  • Sound Apps: Apps that generate white noise or soothing sounds can mask trigger sounds and reduce the child’s stress levels.

Therapeutic Interventions

Professional therapeutic interventions can provide tailored support and strategies to help children cope with misophonia.

  • Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT can help children understand and change their negative thought patterns and reactions to trigger sounds. This therapy focuses on developing healthy coping mechanisms and reducing emotional distress.
  • Family Therapy: Involving the whole family in therapy can help improve communication, understanding, and support for the child with misophonia.
  • Occupational Therapy: Occupational therapists can work with children to develop strategies for managing sensory sensitivities and improving daily functioning.

Coping Strategies for Children with Misophonia: Conclusion

Coping with misophonia can be challenging for children, but with the right strategies and support, they can learn to manage their symptoms effectively. Creating a supportive environment, implementing behavioral strategies, utilizing technology, and seeking professional therapy are all crucial components of a comprehensive approach to managing misophonia in children.

Dr. Stephen Katz at the Misophonia Cognitive Center™ offers specialized online treatment services to help children and their families navigate the challenges of misophonia. Call today to schedule a consultation or convenient online session.

Stephen Geller Katz LCSW-R
19 West 34th Street
Penthouse Floor
New York, NY 10001

Convenient online sessions
Dr. Katz is multi-lingual

For more information about Dr. Katz and his treatment services, visit

Effective Coping Strategies for Managing Misophonia in Everyday Life

Strategies for Managing MisophoniaAre there are effective coping strategies that can help individuals manage their Misophonia symptoms and improve their quality of life? Misophonia, characterized by strong emotional reactions to specific sounds, such as chewing or tapping, can lead to feelings of anger, anxiety, and frustration. Here are some practical strategies to help you navigate misophonia in your daily life.

Coping Strategies for Managing Misophonia

1. Noise-Canceling Headphones

Invest in high-quality noise-canceling headphones. These headphones can help block out trigger sounds or provide soothing background noise, allowing you to focus on your tasks without being overwhelmed by noise.

2. Educate Your Loved Ones

Share your misophonia diagnosis with your family and friends. Explain what triggers your symptoms and ask for their understanding and support. They can help by being mindful of their own behaviors and modifying them when necessary.

3. Create a Safe Space

Designate a quiet and trigger-free space in your home where you can retreat when you need a break from trigger sounds. Make this space comfortable and calming, so you can relax and recharge.

4. Practice Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness meditation techniques can help you stay grounded and calm when exposed to trigger sounds. Learning to observe your reactions without judgment can reduce the intensity of your emotional responses.

5. Deep Breathing Exercises

Practice deep breathing exercises to manage stress and anxiety when triggered. Slow, deep breaths can help regulate your body’s response and reduce the fight-or-flight reaction.

6. Seek Professional Help

Consider therapy with a misophonia specialist or a therapist experienced in treating misophonia. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and exposure therapy are two common approaches that can help you better cope with trigger sounds.

7. Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Progressive muscle relaxation techniques can help relieve physical tension caused by misophonia-triggered stress. By systematically tensing and relaxing muscle groups, you can promote relaxation and reduce discomfort.

8. Develop Coping Statements

Create a list of positive coping statements to remind yourself that you can handle trigger situations. For example, “I am in control of my reactions” or “I can choose how I respond to this sound.”

Coping Strategies for Managing Misophonia

9. Noise-Masking Devices

Consider using white noise machines or apps to create a background of soothing sounds that can help mask trigger noises. This can make trigger sounds less noticeable and disturbing.

10. Practice Self-Care

Taking care of your overall well-being is essential. Get enough sleep, eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly, and engage in activities you enjoy. A healthy lifestyle can make you more resilient to misophonia triggers.

Coping Strategies for Managing Misophonia: Seek Help from Misophonia Treatment Specialist

Remember that you don’t have to face misophonia alone. Stephen Geller Katz at the Misophonia Cognitive Center™ specializes in misophonia treatment. He offers online sessions and speaks five languages to ensure accessibility to effective treatment. Reach out to him to explore further strategies and therapies to manage your misophonia and improve your daily life.

Call Today for a Professional Consultation.

Stephen Geller Katz LCSW-R

How Mindfulness Meditation Can Help Alleviate Misophonia Symptoms

There’s a promising approach that may help alleviate misophonia symptoms: mindfulness meditation. If you’re one of the millions of people who suffer from misophonia, you know just how challenging it can be to cope with the everyday sounds and triggers that can send you into a state of distress. The anger, anxiety, and frustration that often accompany misophonia can significantly impact your quality of life.

treatment options Mindfulness Misophonia

Understanding Misophonia

Misophonia, often referred to as “sound sensitivity syndrome,” is a condition characterized by an extreme emotional reaction to specific sounds. These trigger sounds, such as chewing, slurping, or tapping, can lead to feelings of anger, anxiety, and even panic in individuals with misophonia. Coping with misophonia can be incredibly challenging, and finding effective treatment options is essential for improving one’s well-being.

What is Mindfulness Meditation?

Mindfulness meditation is a centuries-old practice that involves bringing one’s full attention to the present moment without judgment. It’s about being aware of your thoughts, feelings, and sensations as they arise, and learning to accept them without reacting impulsively. Mindfulness meditation is often associated with practices like deep breathing, body scanning, and guided meditation sessions.

How Mindfulness Meditation Can Help with Misophonia

So, how can mindfulness meditation benefit individuals struggling with misophonia? Here are some key ways:

Increased Awareness: Mindfulness meditation helps individuals become more aware of their emotional and physical responses to trigger sounds. By recognizing the early signs of distress, individuals can intervene before their reactions escalate.

Emotional Regulation: Through mindfulness meditation, individuals can learn to regulate their emotional responses. This can help reduce the intensity of anger, anxiety, or irritation triggered by misophonia.

Enhanced Tolerance: Mindfulness teaches individuals to be more accepting and non-reactive to uncomfortable sensations. This can lead to greater tolerance of the trigger sounds, making them less distressing over time.

Stress Reduction: Regular mindfulness practice is known to reduce overall stress levels. Since stress can exacerbate misophonia symptoms, this reduction can be particularly beneficial.

Improved Focus: Mindfulness meditation enhances concentration and focus. This can help individuals redirect their attention away from trigger sounds and onto more positive or neutral aspects of their environment.

Getting Started with Mindfulness Meditation

If you’re interested in incorporating mindfulness meditation into your misophonia management strategy, here are some steps to consider:

  • Start with short, guided meditation sessions to familiarize yourself with the practice.
  • Find a quiet and comfortable place to meditate, free from trigger sounds.
  • Practice mindfulness consistently, even when you’re not experiencing misophonia triggers.
  • Consider enrolling in a structured mindfulness program or working with a trained mindfulness coach.

Mindfulness Meditation Misophonia Symptoms specialist

Seeking Professional Help

While mindfulness meditation can be a valuable tool for managing misophonia symptoms, it’s essential to remember that everyone’s journey is unique. Some individuals may benefit from additional therapeutic approaches, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), exposure therapy, or counseling.

For those seeking expert guidance and specialized treatment for misophonia, Stephen Geller Katz, a licensed clinical social worker and founder of the Misophonia Cognitive Center™, offers comprehensive misophonia treatment services. Dr. Katz has a deep understanding of misophonia and its impact on individuals’ lives, and he is dedicated to helping people overcome its challenges.

Mindfulness Meditation for Misophonia Symptoms: Contact Stephen Geller Katz for Treatment Options

If you or a loved one is struggling with misophonia, reach out to Stephen Geller Katz for effective treatment solutions. Dr. Katz offers online sessions, making it convenient for individuals to access expert care from anywhere. Additionally, he is fluent in five languages, ensuring that language is not a barrier to getting the help you need.

Contact the Misophonia Cognitive Center™ today to schedule a consultation:

Stephen Geller Katz LCSW-R

General Coping Strategies for Misophonia

Dealing with noises triggering Misophonia is painful. Since the illness is tricky to understand, it gets difficult for people to decipher that the noise they are creating is uncontrollably disgusting. Most of the time these noises are common and a part of your daily life such as chewing. A Misophonia sufferer finds it utterly irritating when a person sitting next to him chewing loudly.

The condition is serious and you expected to discuss it with your family and friends. By allowing people to know about this psychological illness, you will not only find support, but they may also try not to make noises that irritate you beyond measure. Moreover, concerning the severity of the illness, here are some coping strategies you can incorporate to manage this health complication.


Manage Your Stress Levels

Once the order has been diagnosed, focus on staying positive and calm. Refrain from stressing yourself out psychologically. You can manage Misophonia but cannot eliminate the problem entirely. With a relaxed mind, you will be able to control the illness and the effect it has on you.

For this, you will need to maintain your sleep pattern and get 7-8 hours of sleep regularly. You should focus more on physical activity – experts suggest going on long walks. This way you will get plenty of fresh air and your mind will remain relaxed during a Misophode. Moreover, if you’re busy routine won’t allow for these activities then you should try meditation every day to maintain a peaceful mind.

Avoid Argumentsmisophonia

You can’t help it but during a Misophode it becomes unable for you to tolerate ambient noises and the urge to physically stop the noise gets stronger. This is a distinctive illness that you can’t expect everyone to understand. Also stopping someone from performing a particular task such as chewing while they are having a meal can land you in an argument. This condition might adversely affect your wellbeing. This is why experts recommend having a serious conversation rather than an argument. You can always discuss your disorder with your colleagues or with family members to avoid embracing confrontations.

Understand Your Illness

Before expecting people to understand your health problem, you need to understand it first. Once you find out what kind of noises trigger Misophonia in you, try to tolerate them with all your energy. You must understand that it is the Misophonia that causes the disharmony inside of you, not the person. For instances, try to take deep breaths when a certain noise triggers your Misophonia. It may sound impossible to follow, but it can do wonders for your illness. Seeking help and support in this regard is acceptable but you need to understand your disorder as well.

Bottom Line

With the help of coping strategies, you can ease your utterly irritating disorder. It is even better if you let people know which noises trigger your Misophonia. You should not ignore your illness and take precautions in this regard before it gets worse. So, don’t wait and book an appointment right now to get effective Misophonia treatment in New York.


Call today for a free 15min phone consultation 646-585-2251

How to Tell Friends and Family about Your Misophonia

If you have decided to tell family and friends you have misophonia, chances are it’s a decision that took a long time to make. Many people with the condition have already struggled for an age to have medical personnel take them seriously, so are naturally reluctant to face the same battles all over again – and with people they care about to boot.

Where to Start?

This largely depends on your circumstances. If you were diagnosed (or showing major symptoms) from 9 or 10, which is common, chances are what you tell them won’t be a huge surprise. You may even already have parents and siblings who are fully aware, and be just looking at telling more distant relatives.

Facing the Fears

If your symptoms appeared and a diagnosis was given later in life, but you haven’t actually told anyone yet it is worth thinking about the fears and worries which surround taking this step. While you cannot make people react the way you’d like, (supportive, understanding, positive), or totally understand your situation, the fear of rejection or ridicule can be punishing.

Bear in mind that while you are concerned about people not believing you or offering the care you need, those being told may worry about letting you down, or be unable to comprehend the science behind it.

Prepare Well

Considering that responses may be based on fears equal to, albeit different from, your own means it is well worth investing some time in preparing properly for the big reveal. Decide who to tell first, obviously avoiding those who you recognize as being triggers if at all possible

You can explain through talking, or if you feel more comfortable write a letter. It’s okay to ask some people to explain your condition to others, especially if they are talking to those on the periphery of your life.

Be Honest

It’s best to say upfront what you want to get across and how you want people to deal with you. If you’d prefer it wasn’t mentioned in group situations then say that, but if your door is open for questions and discussions then that is fine too.

It isn’t easy to share news of a lifelong condition of any kind with those closest to you, especially when it is not well known, so plan to do it in the way you find most comfortable.

Why not contact us today and make an appointment to find out about NYC’s best misophonia treatment option.

Call today for a free 15min phone consultation 646-585-2251